J. H. Kim, T. Kang, J.-W. Kwon, I. Bae, and J. Seo
Swarm robot localization using monocular vision and equilateral triangular formation
Journal of Navigation, in preparation.T. Kang, S. Park, P.-W. Son, and J. Seo
A machine learning approach to enhance eLoran timing accuracy considering meteorological conditions and terrain elevation
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, in preparation.H. Moon, H. Park, and J. Seo
HELPS for emergency location service: Hyper-enhanced local positioning system [official link] [arXiv]
IEEE Wireless Communications, doi:10.1109/MWC.011.2300354, 2024.S. Lee, Y. Shin, M. Kim, and J. Seo
IR-UWB radar-based contactless silent speech recognition of vowels, consonants, words, and phrases [official link] [arXiv]
IEEE Access, 11, 144844-144859, doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3344177, 2023.W. Kim and J. Seo
Low-cost GNSS simulators with wireless clock synchronization for indoor positioning [official link] [arXiv]
IEEE Access, 11, 55861-55874, doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3282786, 2023.Y. Lee, Y. Hwang, J. Y. Ahn, J. Seo, and B. Park
Seamless accurate positioning in deep urban area based on mode switching between DGNSS and multipath mitigation positioning [official link] [arXiv]
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(6), 5856-5870, doi:10.1109/TITS.2023.3256040, 2023.H.-S. Moon and J. Seo
Sample-efficient training of robotic guide using human path prediction network [official link] [arXiv]
IEEE Access, 10, 104996-105007, doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3210932, 2022.H. Lee, J. Seo, and Z. Kassas
Urban road safety prediction: A satellite navigation perspective [official link] [arXiv]
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 14(6), 94-106, doi:10.1109/MITS.2022.3181557, 2022.H.-S. Moon, S. Do, W. Kim, J. Seo, M. Chang, and B. Lee
Speeding up inference with user simulators through policy modulation [official link]
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2022), 38, doi:10.1145/3491102.3502023, 2022.H. Lee, S. Pullen, J. Lee, B. Park, M. Yoon, and J. Seo
Optimal parameter inflation to enhance the availability of single-frequency GBAS for intelligent air transportation [official link] [arXiv] [code]
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(10), 17801-17808, doi:10.1109/TITS.2022.3157138, 2022.W. Kim, P.-W. Son, S. G. Park, S. H. Park, and J. Seo
First demonstration of the Korean eLoran accuracy in a narrow waterway using improved ASF maps [official link] [arXiv]
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 58(2), 1492-1496, doi:10.1109/TAES.2021.3114272, 2022.S. Lee, E. Kim, and J. Seo
SFOL DME pulse shaping through digital predistortion for high-accuracy DME [official link] [arXiv]
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 58(3), 2616-2620, doi:10.1109/TAES.2021.3123934, 2022.H.-S. Moon and J. Seo
Fast user adaptation for human motion prediction in physical human-robot interaction [official link] [arXiv]
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(1), 120-127, doi:10.1109/LRA.2021.3116319, 2022.J. H. Rhee, S. Kim, P.-W. Son, and J. Seo
Enhanced accuracy simulator for a future Korean nationwide eLoran system [official link] [arXiv]
IEEE Access, 9, 115042-115052, doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3105063, 2021.H.-S. Moon and J. Seo
Optimal action-based or user prediction-based haptic guidance: Can you do even better? [official link] [arXiv]
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2021), 281, doi:10.1145/3411764.3445115, 2021.A. K. Sun, H. Chang, S. Pullen, H. Kil, J. Seo, Y. J. Morton, and J. Lee
Markov chain-based stochastic modeling of deep signal fading: Availability assessment of dual-frequency GNSS-based aviation under ionospheric scintillation [official link]
Space Weather, 19(9), e2020SW002655, doi:10.1029/2020SW002655, 2021.K. Park and J. Seo
Single-antenna-based GPS antijamming method exploiting polarization diversity [official link] [arXiv]
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 57(2), 919-934, doi:10.1109/TAES.2020.3034025, 2021.J. H. Rhee and J. Seo
Low-cost curb detection and localization system using multiple ultrasonic sensors [official link] [featured]
Sensors, 19(6), 1389, doi:10.3390/s19061389, 2019.P.-W. Son, J. H. Rhee, J. Hwang, and J. Seo
Universal kriging for Loran ASF map generation [official link]
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 55(4), 1828-1842, doi:10.1109/TAES.2018.2876587, 2019.K. Park, D. Lee, and J. Seo
Dual-polarized GPS antenna array algorithm to adaptively mitigate a large number of interference signals [official link]
Aerospace Science and Technology, 78, 387-396, doi:10.1016/j.ast.2018.04.029, 2018.P.-W. Son, J. H. Rhee, and J. Seo
Novel multichain-based Loran positioning algorithm for resilient navigation [official link]
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 54(2), 666-679, doi:10.1109/TAES.2017.2762438, 2018.E. Kim and J. Seo
SFOL pulse: A high accuracy DME pulse for alternative aircraft position and navigation [official link]
Sensors, 17(10), 2183, doi:10.3390/s17102183, 2017.Y. H. Shin, S. Lee, and J. Seo
Autonomous safe landing-area determination for rotorcraft UAVs using multiple IR-UWB radars [official link]
Aerospace Science and Technology, 69, 617-624, doi:10.1016/j.ast.2017.07.018, 2017.J. Lee, Y. T. Morton, J. Lee, H.-S. Moon, and J. Seo
Monitoring and mitigation of ionospheric anomalies for GNSS-based safety critical systems [official link]
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 34(5), 96-110, doi:10.1109/MSP.2017.2716406, 2017.H.-S. Moon, J. Baek, and J. Seo
Effect of redundant haptic information on task performance during visuo-tactile task interruption and recovery [official link]
Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1924, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01924, 2016.Y. H. Shin and J. Seo
Towards contactless silent speech recognition based on detection of active and visible articulators using IR-UWB radar [official link]
Sensors, 16(11), 1812, doi:10.3390/s16111812, 2016.D. Yoon, C. Kee, J. Seo, and B. Park
Position accuracy improvement by implementing the DGNSS-CP algorithm in smartphones [official link]
Sensors, 16(6), 910, doi:10.3390/s16060910, 2016.J.-W. Kwon, J. H. Kim, and J. Seo
Multiple leader candidate and competitive position allocation for robust formation against member robot faults [official link]
Sensors, 15(5), 10771-10790, doi:10.3390/s150510771, 2015.J. H. Kim, J.-W. Kwon, and J. Seo
Multi-UAV-based stereo vision system without GPS for ground obstacle mapping to assist path planning of UGV [official link] [featured]
Electronics Letters, 50(20), 1431-1432, doi:10.1049/el.2014.2227, 2014.M. Kim, J. Seo, and J. Lee
A comprehensive method for GNSS data quality determination to improve ionospheric data analysis [official link]
Sensors, 14(8), 14971-14993, doi:10.3390/s140814971, 2014.J.-W. Kwon and J. Seo
Docking control on both stationary and moving stations based on docking formation [official link] [featured]
Electronics Letters, 50(6), 436-438, doi:10.1049/el.2014.0467, 2014.J. Seo and T. Walter
Future dual-frequency GPS navigation system for intelligent air transportation under strong ionospheric scintillation [official link]
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 15(5), 2224-2236, doi:10.1109/TITS.2014.2311590, 2014.Y.-H. Chen, J.-C. Juang, J. Seo, S. Lo, D. M. Akos, D. S. De Lorenzo, and P. Enge
Design and implementation of real-time software radio for anti-interference GPS/WAAS sensors [official link]
Sensors, 12(10), 13417-13440, doi:10.3390/s121013417, 2012.J. Seo, J. Lee, S. Pullen, P. Enge, and S. Close
Targeted parameter inflation within ground-based augmentation systems to minimize anomalous ionospheric impact [official link]
Journal of Aircraft, 49(2), 587-599, doi:10.2514/1.C031601, 2012.
* My students' names are in bold for the publications since I became a professor at Yonsei University in March 2012.J. Seo, Y.-H. Chen, D. S. De Lorenzo, S. Lo, P. Enge, D. Akos, and J. Lee
A real-time capable software-defined receiver using GPU for adaptive anti-jam GPS sensors [official link]
Sensors, 11(9), 8966-8991, doi:10.3390/s110908966, 2011.J. Lee, J. Seo, Y. S. Park, S. Pullen, and P. Enge
Ionospheric threat mitigation by geometry screening in ground-based augmentation systems [official link]
Journal of Aircraft, 48(4), 1422-1433, doi:10.2514/1.C031309, 2011.J. Seo, T. Walter, and P. Enge
Correlation of GPS signal fades due to ionospheric scintillation for aviation applications [official link]
Advances in Space Research, 47(10), 1777-1788, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2010.07.014, 2011.J. Seo, T. Walter, and P. Enge
Availability impact on GPS aviation due to strong ionospheric scintillation [official link]
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 47(3), 1963-1973, doi:10.1109/TAES.2011.5937276, 2011.J. Seo, T. Walter, T.-Y. Chiou, and P. Enge
Characteristics of deep GPS signal fading due to ionospheric scintillation for aviation receiver design [official link]
Radio Science, 44, RS0A16, doi:10.1029/2008RS004077, 2009.